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Falling for His Fake Fiancée (Book 2, Girls' Night Trilogy)

  Falling For His Fake Fiancée

  Gillian Blakely


  Other Books by Gillian Blakely

  About Falling for His Fake Fiancée


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28


  Author Bio

  Other Books by Gillian Blakely

  Other Books by Gillian Blakely

  Series: Girls’ Night Trilogy

  Scoring With The Football Star

  Saved by the Reluctant Bodyguard

  Series: SEALs of Roseville (Spinoff of Girls’ Night)

  At Her SEAL’s Command

  Toying with Her SEAL

  Second Chance with Her SEAL

  Surprising Darcy (short contemporary erotic ménage)

  Just a Little Taste (short contemporary erotica)

  About Falling for His Fake Fiancée

  When her crush is injured in a terrifying accident, Gretchen must protect her heart while she nurses him back to health.

  Gretchen Mascoe has secretly loved her best friend’s brother for years. But recent events have shown her it’s time to move on. First step in Operation Forget Greg: stay away from him. Step two: date more.

  Easy, right?

  But when he’s injured in an accident and her house is his only option for recovery, she has nowhere to hide.

  As Greg Fairchild depends on Gretchen’s generosity and nursing skills, he sees a whole new side to his sister’s usually quiet and buttoned up friend. Especially when making love somehow works its way into his healing process. Suddenly, he’s falling hard and it’s not just her chocolate chip cookies he’s after.

  Falling For His Fake Fiancée was previously titled Go For It. The contents of the book are the same.

  Payment of the download fee for this ebook grants the purchaser the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to download and read this file, and to maintain a private backup copy of the file for the purchaser’s personal use ONLY.

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright © 2014 Ecila Media Corp

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, places or events is purely coincidental. Characters, events, and organizations within this work are products of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously.

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  Today was the day.

  She, Gretchen Mascoe, was going to tell him, Greg Fairchild, all around best and hottest guy in the world, how she felt.

  Just as soon as she helped her best friend pop the question.

  The annual Fairchild Super Bowl Extravaganza was in full swing and Gretchen watched the festivities from her perch atop a barstool. Unlike the last eight times she’d attended, this year the host venue was different. Instead of the Fairchild family home, fifty of the Fairchilds’ nearest and dearest along with a throng of Trevor’s former teammates were spread out in Trevor Wyatt’s palatial basement.

  The lovebirds threw one heck of a party. One didn’t need to know a thing about football to be impressed by the giant TV. And if that wasn’t enough viewing pleasure, there were three other smaller but equally sleek, flat panel TVs dotting the room. It didn’t matter where you sat, the sound system echoed the announcer’s voice from one side of the space to the other.

  Gretchen searched the crowd for a glimpse of Greg, confident in her decision. The timing was finally right. He wasn’t dating. She was most definitely single. It was high time to take their long-time friendship to the next level.

  At least, that was the pep talk she’d given herself in the car on the way over here. Now that they were under the same roof that creepy guy at the last speed dating event seemed like a less scary option than putting her heart on the line.

  “Who are you looking for?” Cindy asked as she sidled up to the bar.


  Gretchen glanced at her friend and gave what she hoped looked like a nonchalant shrug. “No one.”

  Cindy raised an eyebrow in that classic “I don’t believe you” way of hers and flagged down the bartender.

  “Two dozen hot guys in this room and you expect me to believe you’re not scoping anyone out?” She made a pish sound. The bartender slid a beer bottle across the granite and Cindy took a swig.

  “Yeah, well, one of the hot guys already hit on me and—”

  “Of course he did! I told you that sequined top is a winner.”

  Yes, she had. And the handsome jock had been a boost to Gretchen’s ego but he wasn’t the blue eyed hottie she dreamt about every night.

  She heard Baby’s giggle and narrowed her gaze on their friend who held court like she was a princess. Gretchen wished that she could be that comfortable in her own skin. Since college she’d watched Baby charm man after man, smiling and talking, using body language that Gretchen had yet to master. But most of all, Baby had gumption. She went after what she wanted.

  Last week’s Girls’ Night had driven home just how badly Gretchen needed gumption in her own personal life. School and business gave her no such problems but two faulty relationship attempts had left her shy in the man department.

  That was going to change. From now on she was following Baby’s lead and going after what she wanted.

  Since Trevor was a former NFL star, he had plenty of tall, rich and built-like-a-bomb-shelter friends for Baby to flirt with. Unfortunately, the only man Gretchen was interested in had disappeared out the side door about five minutes ago and she was curious what had pulled him away. Like the rest of his family, he loved football.

  Mr. Fairchild liked to joke that all three of his sons had been born with footballs in their tiny little hands. When he’d married JJ’s mom, she’d insisted each of the boys find a different sport to play. It didn’t matter though. From the moment Gretchen had met the three dreamy Fairchild men a decade ago, it was obvious that they all adored football.

  A roar of displeasure echoed through the room and a dozen or so people jumped to their feet. Trevor, ever the voice of reason, waved his hands up and down to calm everyone. “There’s still two more quarters, guys. Lots of game left.”

  A beer commercial filled the screen, signalling half -time, a bunch of guys jumped up and headed for the bar. Gretchen leaned around the bulging biceps and searched the crowd for JJ.

  “Now who are you looking for and don’t tell me ‘no body.’” Cindy said.

  “JJ,” Gretchen replied.

  Ronny and Thomas Fairchild, were in an animated conversation. Next to them on the sofa their father’s arm was draped over Mrs. Wyatt’s shoulder and Gretchen wondered if either parent knew what was about to happen. She grinned just thinking
about the surprise awaiting everyone.

  Where had…there she was. JJ nodded at Gretchen.

  That was her queue. Crossing her fingers that she didn’t mess this up, she quickly turned to the elaborate TV remote next to her wine glass. They’d gone over her part in today’s activities yesterday, but Gretchen had never seen a TV remote that was nothing but a giant touch pad full of virtual buttons and certainly not one that controlled multiple TVs and audio.

  Luckily, things worked just like they were supposed to. The beer commercial paused, the audio silenced and there was a backlash in the crowd and a fair amount of “what the hell?”

  JJ left Trevor’s side and stepped in front of the main TV. Smiling at everyone, she looked considerably less nervous than Gretchen felt. She had no problem speaking in front of her students, but a room full of family and friends and good looking men? Perhaps love made one brave. Or braver since JJ had never suffered in the courage department.

  Gretchen breathed a sigh of relief that everyone seemed mollified for the moment. The murmurs quieted as everyone turned their attention to the woman in skinny jeans and a New York Wolves jersey.

  “We won’t miss anything, I promise—” JJ started.

  “What’s goin’ on, babe?” Trevor asked.

  Gretchen noticed Greg step through the doors that led to the terrace and glance at his sister. He had a slight smile on his face and she assumed that he knew what was about to happen. Only a few months younger than his stepsister, he and JJ were close, not to mention business partners.

  “I’m so glad everyone could make it. Super Bowl Sunday is a big day in our family and this year’s Extravaganza is the biggest yet. Trevor and I are thrilled to host the party and so glad all of you came to help us break in the house.”

  Everyone laughed, charmed.

  Shoulders back with a hint of a smile on her pretty face, JJ surveyed the room. The she focused on Trevor and her smile widened.

  “I know everyone here knows Trevor pretty well. What you might not know is that I used to interview him during my time as a sports journalist. Over the years I lost track of the times he asked me out.”

  She sent him a sweet smile but he made playful ‘stabbed in the heart’ motions with his hands. Gretchen chuckled.

  “I always regretted turning him down. Last fall I was in New York and to make a long story short, I ran into him again. He was manning his cousin’s shoe store so Jamal and Kendra could take a honeymoon. Is it any wonder I fell for him?”

  There were plenty of sighs from the ladies and a bit of male ruckus since JJ was getting into mushy territory.

  “Anyway, a young co-worker was leaving for the day and told me to ask Trevor if I needed anything. I didn’t know it at the time but I’d be asking for Trevor’s help plenty over the next few months. Which leads to today. There’s one more thing I need to ask.”

  Gretchen clung to the bar so she didn’t melt into a puddle. Hopefully someone was videotaping this because it was so romantic.

  JJ took a deep breath and Gretchen was pretty sure the rest of the room knew what was coming as they all seemed to be holding their breath as well.

  “Trevor Wyatt, all around best guy I know and kick-ass wide receiver, will you marry me?”

  Yep, Gretchen’s heart melted. JJ’s blue gaze was filled with love and focused on Trevor like twin lasers. There was a beat of silence and then an eruption of cat calls and cheers, well wishes and bawdy jokes.

  Trevor wasted no time sweeping JJ up into his arms and Gretchen rushed forward to save the beer bottle dangling precariously from his fingertips. He shot her a quick look of thanks before burying his handsome face against JJ’s neck.

  Gretchen heard him mutter “I was supposed to ask you that question.”

  Exhaling a sigh, Gretchen stepped back to give them space. Arms tight around JJ’s waist, he spun her around, reminding Gretchen of a scene in a Valentine’s Day commercial.

  After setting her back on her feet he pulled something out of his pocket. Gretchen’s heart squeezed in her chest and a sheen of moisture filled her eyes. Trevor took a step back and knelt down. JJ slapped a hand over her mouth.

  Even from this angle, Gretchen could see how surprised and happy her friend was. The whole room was silent, anxious, completely focused on the unexpected events of the day. Gretchen snuck a peek at Mr. Fairchild. His grin stretched ear to ear and Mrs. Wyatt had tears in her eyes, her right hand pressed over her heart.

  “I already had this picked out,” Trevor said.

  Gretchen’s heart squeezed harder and she folded her hands, holding them to her lips. This was better than a romance novel.

  “I beat you to the punch,” JJ said and a soft chuckle went through the crowd.

  “You did. I’m hoping this answers your question.” He opened his hand and a large diamond ring twinkled from the center of his palm.

  JJ nodded and her blonde ponytail bobbed up and down.

  “He can’t hear your head rattle,” JJ’s father called.

  The room erupted in laughter and JJ joined in. Shoulders still shaking, JJ held out her hand and Trevor slipped the ring into place. She didn’t even pause to study it before she leaned over, gave a quick ‘yes’, and kissed his lips.

  A second round of cheers, louder than the first, preceded the rush. Gretchen stepped out of the way just in time to keep from being squished by another massive guy.

  “How romantic is that?” she whispered to Cindy.

  They hadn’t had any doubt Trevor would say yes; he was just as crazy about JJ as she was about him. But him going down on one knee with a ring had been a sweet surprise.


  Gretchen’s smile widened. The plan had gone off without a hitch. Just as JJ had hoped, it was a terrific party and a perfect day.

  Looking past the well-wishers, Gretchen caught Greg’s eye and felt a wave of desire all the way to her toes. He was the only man who’d ever gotten that response from her body. He smiled at her now and she grinned back.

  Telling herself it was time to do what she’d come to do, tell him the truth, lay it all out there, she started forward. Three steps into her journey, she skidded to a stop, surprised to see Baby saunter up to him. With a hand on his bicep, the pint sized blonde snagged his full attention, breaking the invisible connection between him and Gretchen. Baby grinned up at him like she was about to make his day.

  Gretchen’s smile faded.

  Baby gave Greg a thorough, and very obvious, once over. Gretchen felt sick to her stomach because she’d seen her best friend in action before. They’d visited enough bars and bistros over the years for Gretchen to know when the itty, bitty lawyer was in get-him mode.

  She felt like she was watching a slow motion movie. Baby tilted her head to the right, showing off her neck. Even though it was February and cold outside Baby wore a short skirt, knee high boots and a cropped red sweater that hugged her curves. Greg smiled at something she said and the skin around his eyes crinkled.

  As Gretchen watched the two of them talk, something inside her shriveled up and died. That might be a tad melodramatic but it perfectly described the feeling of emptiness and shocking cold that seeped from one cell to the next until her whole body felt chilled.

  In fact, her feet were frozen to the floor even though her brain was ordering her to cross the room and… and what? Break up their conversation? Tell Greg that Baby was only using him for sex?

  Baby reached for Greg’s hand and she tugged him toward the staircase that led to the house above. Gretchen didn’t want to watch them go but it was like a car accident, you couldn’t turn away. And with every step they took she felt like she was going to hyperventilate.

  She’d lost her chance.


  Two months later

  Gretchen shut her front door and sighed. Worn out after a long day wrestling with kindergarteners and cold from an unseasonably chilly April day she dropped her purse on the entry table, tossed her coat onto a hook, and to
ok in her oh-so-colorful appearance in the mirror. Her khaki skirt had a bright red hand print on her left hip.


  Little monsters. Try to give the munchkins a fun Friday despite the rain and cold temperatures and they decided to finger paint her favorite skirt.

  She’d just poured herself a glass of wine when her cell phone rang. Glass in hand, she fished the phone out of her purse and glanced at the number. JJ.

  “Hey,” she answered, glad to have an adult to talk to.

  “Gretchen, thank God!” The connection cut out. “―’s been in an accident. And my dad’s ―ing ―an’t get a hold ―rothers.”

  The words tumbled out of her friend’s lips so quickly it took Gretchen several moments to make sense of them. Trevor’s deep voice was there in the background, offering JJ support.

  Gretchen frowned at the crappy connection, and put the wineglass down on the entry table.

  “Say that again. Who’s been in an accident?” Not Trevor since he was with JJ or her father or brothers. That left Cindy or Baby…


  Gretchen’s knees buckled but she caught herself against the table. Her body flushed with adrenaline and she gripped the phone tighter.

  “What happened? Please tell me he’s okay.”

  There was more crackling on the line, stupid phone. She rushed out the front door, hoping for a better connection.

  Without her coat the cool air seeped through her skirt and top but at least JJ’s voice came through crystal clear.